After a really wet and miserable month, the sky cleared for a brief period over lunchtime that day, and, as someone commented, the sun shone on the righteous!
About 50 tenants and friends enjoyed a very sociable gathering. The fame of this event has obviously spread far and wide, and we were delighted to welcome someone who had travelled all the way from Cornwall to be with us. We were pleased, too, to see several of our town councillors.
Thank you to all those who donated the wine and delicious food. It was clearly much enjoyed, as there was very little left over. And grateful thanks to those of you who helped before and afterwards, setting up, and clearing away. Especial thanks to Cynthia, our wine muller extraordinaire: it just gets better, Cynthia. It was obviously much appreciated, given that we managed to consume 20 bottles between us! The apple juice offerings were delicious, too. So, here’s to next time – Happy New Year!