Working Parties Feb & March 2014

The February working party coppiced the bottom half of the Millennium Coppice on SSOld to provide hazel peasticks and bean poles for tenants. Some of the material was bundled ready for use. We started to clear the brambles at the end of SSNew 10 where they were encroaching onto the roadway.

In March, the main job was to shore up the back of the wood chip/leaves area on SSNew and to realign the path up between the plots. We still need
tenants to use the material here before any more work is done – the leaves have rotted down well to provide ideal soil conditioner or useful addition to your compost heap.

More bramble clearing was done on SSNew 10.
On SSOld more of the hazel coppice arisings were bundled into sticks for peas and bean poles. Most of the prepared material has now been taken but more of the coppicings are still available at the bottom of the Millennium Coppice on C37, next to Sunnyside Rural Trust garden, so please help yourselves.

We also laid stone at the end of B Road where it had become very muddy due to tree work vehicles and others using it when wet.

Both working parties enjoyed a good alfresco lunch. Thanks to Annick and Lin for providing the soup, and to Hazel for preparing and serving the food, and to Trish and Neil for organising the work.

Angela Wheeldon