Working Parties 2017-18


In November and December we concentrated on the new communal area on the Grantham Mews / Millfield side of SSO, beside the new communal shed: earth moving, helping to level the site for the second SAS shed, clearing undergrowth from the area which had been cleared of trees in the spring, and moving, sorting and storing wood and guttering materials from their previous storage areas.




In January it was the turn of Millennium Coppice (lower) for its four-year coppicing cycle; a big thanks to Bernard Axford for doing the heaving cutting work in advance. Following a good day’s work, there is now a large supply of bean poles and pea sticks for tenants to use in the coming year. Tenants are welcome to take a quantity for their own use, but please leave a small contribution in the honesty box above the Tea Hut, B13. Clearance also took place in the wildlife area on B Road.



The ground to the left of the road up from the Grantham Mews gate has been cleared; we look forward to seeing an explosion of wildflowers there again this year.  Unfortunately, the “Beast from the East” put paid to the last working party of the winter on March 4th, when the ground was covered in snow.

Although some work was done clearing paths and around the car park area on SSN this year, most work took place on SSO.  It is anticipated that more work will take place on SSN next season, starting in October.